E-mail to Wikisposure

Translation Note: The Engels version of this content is being displayed because the Nederlands translation is unavailable.

After three weeks of Yvonne 'clueless lowlife' van Hertum boasting about getting me my own 'WikiSposure' page... I got tired of waiting and decided to ask them how the page was coming along.

(Hey, since I can't reason with these people, or make them stop, let's at least get a little fun out of this absurd theatre by playing along... right? And also, since I had not had any direct contact with WikiSposure/Perverted Justice yet, it would be decent of me to assume that they might not be clueless lowlifes themselves, might even respond to me normally, and maybe Yvonne might just be lying about them.)

I sent them below e-mail. No answer, ofcourse. Cowards :-p

2008-03-08 01:48 +01:00
My listing on wikisposure: is she bluffing?
Translation Note: The Engels version of this content is being displayed because the Nederlands translation is unavailable.


Xavier von Erck in the house? Or anyone else who's talked to the people behind www.stopkindersex.com?

I have a question. But I need to introduce the issue first. Bear with me, please.

You see, StopKinderSex is this little 'organisation' (or so they'd like to call themselves) of -guesstimating- three people using eight different nicknames, with barely enough intelligence to spell their own names and a lot of display of self-importance to make up for it.

(I'm sure you, as a big and organisation handling such an important cause as 'fighting dirty pedos', can find volunteers who read Dutch, to verify this claim. It takes the average person about 10 minutes to see that the only activity going on on that weblog is dishing out false claims, infighting with clueless lunatic 'pedos' who noone takes seriously anyway, copy-pasting from other sources, and displaying their own lack of intelligence in the comments and the few -repetitive- 'articles' they make up themselves. But aaaaanyway...)

The main woman behind this site, Yvonne van Hertum, has been plastering my name plus picture all over her weblog, and "investigating" me with hilarious results (mainly other people being angry at her). It hasn't done me any real damage because she's known as a lunatic (general googling will tell you that), but I'm getting reaaaalllllly tired of it by now.

The issue is: Yvonne/StopKinderSex has been mentioning your name repeatedly, saying they're working with you and that I'd get a WikiSposure page, since february 21st. References: http://www.stopkindersex.com/?p=1511 (they're calling you "our partners"), http://www.stopkindersex.com/?p=1529 (false allegiations about me and the first sentence saying that I'll be on WikiSposure very soon) and http://www.stopkindersex.com/?p=1531 (claiming Xavier Von Erck has been writing something for them). Wikisposure is being mentioned

So.... Here's my question to you (finally! Yeah I know I write too much):

Are you indeed working on a page about me, for the section 'Dutch Activists'? Or is the bitch full of it / have you by now decided that you don't want to be associated with her/them?



P.S. this may strike you as a strange question. I imagine the average e-mail you get is more like a threat "if you publish this info you will" or pleas not to post it.

I'm not threatening or pleading anything. First of all, I think it would be useless arguing with you. And secondly, I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of information. If someone wants to 'out' me, they can go right on ahead, if they think it has any importance. As long as they tell the truth.

But I think it gives ME the freedom too, to have information and to be able to counter any lies and false information. Given that I still assume your credibility and intelligence is at least a little higher than Yvonne/StopKinderSex's... I think you'll agree with me that you can tell me whether or not you're talking to the woman and/or still taking her seriously.
(My opinion is: if you want to be taken seriously, ditch her and tell her to stop using your name. But hey, who am I...)

thanks Roderik thats a

thanks Roderik
thats a refreshing rant

you got one now

check out wikisposure, you have a page now.
I ran into it today.

Saw it

Seen it. Distinctly unimpressed by it.

Just a notification: I'm in the middle of two weeks of being abroad. (On holiday and at a conference. Nice timing, PJ!) So other reactions which need a longer answer from me, will need to wait for a while. I haven't deleted any; just be patient. Thanks.

illegaal jouw persoonsgegevens

Hey Roderik,

SKS is er in dit topic trots op dat Wikisposure jouw persoonsgegevens op het internet plaatst.

[edit Roderik: lokale versie]

Op wikisposure staan je persoonsgegevens pontificaal, maar dat wist je vast al.


Ze lasteren je. Je hebt goede gronden om ze aan te pakken. SKS kan je er mooi in betrekken, omdat ze in het topic aangeven de persoonsgegevens verstrekt te hebben aan de Amerikanen achter wikisposure.

Kindermisbruik bestrijden is volledig juist. Zomaar mensen die geen strafbare feiten gepleegd hebben op het internet aan de schandpaal nagelen is ontzettend fout. SKS en Wikisposure zijn hier illegaal en erg fout bezig.

Ik hoop dat je ze aanpakt. Succes!

gr. Pat

Re: illegaal jouw persoonsgegevens

Hoi Pat,

Dank je voor deze steun, en sorry dat het antwoord meer dan een jaar duurde.

Maar ik ga Wikisposure (nog?) niet proberen aan te pakken via wettelijke weg, omdat dat erg moeilijk (en duur en veel moeite) is vanuit Nederland, en omdat de kans groot is dat ze alleen maar voordeel hebben van de heibel die daaromheen ontstaat. Ze houden van ruzie.

Plus, wat ze zeggen is niet ontzettend duidelijk lasterlijk. Als je goed leest, staan er geen grote leugens in -- en is het alleen maar belachelijk dat ze een pagina over me gemaakt hebben omdat ze eigenlijk niets nuttigs zeggen. Eigenlijk kunnen ze beter uitgelachen dan doodgeprocedeerd worden.

(En bij dat SKS artikel is het nog duidelijker. Die zeggen helemaal niks in dat artikel. Daar ga ik echt geen maatregelen tegen nemen; dat zou ik een zwaktebod vinden.)

Het is een lastig grijs gebied, wanneer je je best moet gaan doen om laster van het net af te krijgen, wanneer je er tegenin moet gaan en wanneer je ze gewoon maar moet laten begaan omdat ze zichzelf al belachelijk genoeg maken. Ik vind het wel een interessante kwestie, die in de komende jaren voor veel meer mensen zal gaan spelen. Ik probeer er mijn eigen weg in te vinden.