Python script to tidy up ugly MS Frontpage HTML
After writing this script, I believe I can now safely say I know Python (at least beginner level)...
Basic need/use
I needed it for cleaning up HTML documents created by (a very old version of?) Microsoft Frontpage, as I was working on converting a website containing 3000+ existing MS Frontpage pages. Upon trying to import them using Drupal's import_html module (which runs HTMLTidy on the source pages), it came out that the documents were 'tidied' in the wrong manner. The cause are totally illegal constructs like the following:
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#993300" vlink="#666600" alink="#CC3300"> <!--mstheme--><font face="Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times"> <p>( ...navigation buttons and more stuff... )</p> <h3><!--mstheme--><font color="#660033">some subtitle<!--mstheme--></font></h3> <div align="center"> <center> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="600"> ( ...table contents... )
<!--mstheme--><font face="Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times"> <b> <p ALIGN="left"><font color="#000000">Schulte-Stracke, Peter, </font><font FACE="Garamond" SIZE="4" COLOR="#000000"> <a href="remarks_on_rethinking.htm">Remarks on `Rethinking Puberty'</a> by McClintock and Herdt; </font></b> <font COLOR="#000000">About</font><i><font COLOR="#000000">Rethinking Puberty : The Development of blah.--</font></i> <font COLOR="#000000"> Current Developments, by blah<br></font>The view that puberty is blah....</p> <!--mstheme--></font>
I mean, come on... Nested font tags?
Font start tag outside a 'div' & end tag inside it!??
switched 'b' and 'p' start tags?
It's a miracle that browsers actually render this stuff correctly! Unfortunately, HTMLTidy gets confused (and e.g. converts the b/p mess to <b></b><p ALIGN="left">
, so the outcome will be non-bold text inside the paragraph.)
So I had to write code which does pure string operations (especially: just strips out useless font tags) on the document, before the string can be read into a correct parse tree.
But while I was at it, I decided to clean up the parsed HTML too, convert ancient tags, delete unnecessary ones, convert tables into ul/li constructs... Every time I discovered something new to do, and after a few weeks I had a pretty big Python script.
Basic usage is simple: you call it with with a filename (the HTML document) as the first argument, and it prints the cleaned-up HTML on stdout.
If you use this script, you should really check if the end result is what you expect. The script will run fine, but you will probably not be able to use it as-is. It may perform too many or not enough 'cleanup' actions, which may need to be modified for each set of HTML documents.
So it's just a blurb of top-down functional code. Although I did create some functions, the code has not been neatly separated. Some variables (regex objects) are just global, even though they're referenced in functions. I say good luck with it, and if anyone needs to clean up ancient MS Frontpage HTML like I did, maybe you will find this a useful reference.
This script uses the BeautifulSoup Python library for manipulating the HTML. You must use version 3.0.8 or higher; earlier versions had a nasty bug affecting a.o. the extract() function, which will make the script choke on any reasonably sized HTML document (either yielding weird errors inside a seemingly unrelated library function, or just wasting CPU forever in an internal loop). Version 3.1 (at least <= v3.1.0.1) will not work, since this still has the bug. I created a patch for v3.1 which fixes this (see below), but I did not submit the patch and switched back to using 3.0.8 myself, since the BeautifulSoup author says v3.1 will be discontinued.
In order to integrate with the Drupal import_html module, that module needed a 'hook' of sorts, to run this script before running HTMLTidy. I created a patch for this (which hasn't been included into the module so far).
#!/usr/bin/python # Read old MS FrontPage HTML document and tidy it up. # Contains site specific functions, so the script will need to be changed somewhat # for every site. # Version: 20100414/ from optparse import OptionParser import os import re from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag, NavigableString, Comment # We have no options as yet, but still this is a convenient way of printing usage #usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg1 arg2" a = OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog htmlfile", description = "filename should be a HTML file") (options, args) = a.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: print "Number of command line arguments must be 1!" a.print_help() exit() fname = args[0] ### 'constants' for constructs we need to use in site specific code: # # - the font name (used in all illegal font tags which should be stripped out # before even feeding the HTML to BeautifulSoup # - name of the image which should be converted to 'li' tag when found # ## if you use this script for different sites, insert favourite way of ## distinguishing between them, here: if os.path.abspath(fname).find('ipce') != -1: c_common_font = 'Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times' c_img_bullet_re = 'expbul.?.?\.gif$' else: c_common_font = 'Arial, Helvetica' c_img_bullet_re = 'posbul.?.?\.gif$' ### THIS REGEX IS REFERENCED AS A 'GLOBAL' INSIDE FUNCTIONS # rx = re.compile('^(?:\s|\ \;|\<br \/\>)+$') rxnl = re.compile('\S\n$') rxe = re.compile('(?:\s|\ \;|\<br \/\>)+$') rs = re.compile('^\s+$') rss = re.compile('^\s+') #NB: the \n and ' ' are probably not necessary here because they do not affect the # rendering of the document (and taking the '\n' away as we are doing now may # be worse for readability of the source?) ... # ...but I'll leave it in anyway, until I'm sure. Things work now, anyway. #NB2: above is not really correct. They should be in the regexp # because strings can be compound, like '\r\n ' #NB3: this regex can be used on all elements - but it will match _either_ a 'br' # _or_ a combination of anything else - because 'br's are Tags, not in a NavigableString ### ### Functions 1/3: helper functions which are pretty much general ### # return index of element inside parent contents def indexInParent(slf): # (Maybe there is a better way than this; I used to have this in a patched # version of the library itself, before I started # working with the non-buggy v3.0.8.1. So I just took the function out # and didn't look further) index = 0 while index < len(slf.parent.contents): if slf.parent.contents[index] is slf: return index index = index + 1 # if this happens, something is really wrong with the data structure: return None # move all contents out of one tag, to just before the other tag def movecontentsbefore(fromwithin, tobefore): movecontentsinside(fromwithin, tobefore.parent, indexInParent(tobefore)) def movecontentsinside(fromwithin, toinside, insertindex=0, fromindex = 0): r = fromwithin.contents i = insertindex while len(r) > fromindex: toinside.insert(i, r[fromindex]) i = i + 1 def matchstring(e, rx): # Difficulty here: str(ee) may give UnicodeEncodeError with some characters # and so may ee.__str__() and repr(ee) (the latter with some \x?? chars). # The only thing sure to not give errors is ee.__repr__() # However you don't want to use THAT for matching! So use it as a safety net # to make sure str() is not called when unicode chars are in there # # Yeah, I know, it's probably just my limited Python knowledge, that made me # write this function... # (If it isn't a bug in BeautifulSoup 3.1; probably not.) s = e.__repr__() if s.find('\\u') != -1 or s.find('\\x') != -1: return False return # Remove all tags that only contain whitespace # (do not remove the contents. Move the contents outside; remove the tags.) def removetagcontainingwhitespace(tagname): r = soup.findAll(tagname) for e in r: ok = 1 for ee in e.contents: if not(matchstring(ee, rx)): ok = 0 break if ok: movecontentsbefore(e, e) e.extract() def extractwhitespacefromend(t): r = t.contents while len(r): e = r[-1] if e.__class__.__name__ == 'Tag': if e.__unicode__() == '<br />': e.extract() else: extractwhitespacefromend(e) break elif matchstring(e, rx): # delete whole NavigableString consisting of whitespace e.extract() elif matchstring(e, rxe) and not # extract whitespace from end of NavigableString (except if it's just a newline for markup; we don't want to get everything on one line...) s = rxe.sub('', str(e)) e.replaceWith(s) else: break # Get style attribute from tag, return it as dictionary def getstyle(t): s = t.get('style') r = {} if s: for styledef in s.split(';'): (sn, sv) = s.split(':', 1) r[sn.strip().lower()] = sv.strip() return r ### ### Functions 2/3: helper functions which have logic (like tag/attribute names) ### encoded in them ### # Check alignments of all elements inside a certain parent element. # If alignment of an element is explicitly specified AND equal to the specified parent # alignment, then delete that explicit attribute # If alignment of ALL elements is the same AND NOT equal to the specified parent # alignment, then change the parent's alignment property IF that is allowed. # # NOTES: # This function currently checks only for the 'align' attribute, which is deprecated. # There's the 'style="text-align: ..."' which should be used instead # We now have mangleattributes() to change one into the other, so: # - this function currently MUST be called before mangleattributes() # - this function should ideally should be changed to check for 'whatever # mangleattributes() changed it to' (LOOK THERE) and be called afterwards def checkalign(pe, parentalign, pallowchange = ''): ## first: special handling for 'implicitly aligning tags', i.e. <center> if parentalign == 'center': # get rid of all 'center' tags, because they do nothing. # (you're generally better off placing its child contents at the same level now, # so you can inspect them in one go) r = pe.findAll('center', recursive=False) for t in r: movecontentsbefore(t, t) t.extract() al = {} # non-whitespace NavigableStrings always have alignment equal to the parent element # (whitespace strings don't matter; alignment can be changed without visible difference) r = pe.findAll(text=lambda x, r=rx: r.match(x)==None, recursive=False) if len(r): al['inherit'] = True # setting 'inherit' effectively means: prevent parent's alignment from being changed ## find/index alignment of all tags within pe, and process r = pe.findAll(recursive=False) for t in r: s = t.__repr__() talign = t.get('align') if talign: #NOTE: 'align' can also be "middle"... ignore that for now until I see it being used on non-navigation-images thisalign = talign allowchange = 'any' elif s.startswith('<center>'): thisalign = 'center' allowchange = parentalign else: thisalign = parentalign if s.startswith('<p>') or s.startswith('<p '): allowchange = 'any' else: allowchange = '' # recurse through subelements first tal = checkalign(t, thisalign, allowchange) # handling of 'implicitly aligning tags', i.e. <center>: if s.startswith('<center>'): if 'CHANGE' in tal: # align needs change -- which can (only) be done by deleting the tag. movecontentsbefore(t, t) t.extract() else: # 'normal' element if 'CHANGE' in tal: # align needs change # (we may end up deleting it just afterwards, but this way keeps code clean) #setattr(t, 'align', tal['CHANGE']) t['align'] = tal['CHANGE'] ## Does this now always work? Otherwise use __setitem__()? talign = tal['CHANGE'] if talign: ## explicit/changed alignment if talign == parentalign: # delete (now-)superfluous explicit 'align' attribute in tag #delattr(t, 'align') del t['align'] al['inherit'] = True else: # We're just collecting alignments 'not equal to inherited' here; # Check after the loop what we want to do about it. lastalign = talign al[lastalign] = True else: ## inherited, unchanged alignment al['inherit'] = True ## After finding/indexing(/changing?) all 'align' from (recursive?) child tags: # # We can change this collection of elements' (and thus the parent's) alignment # IF the parent's "align" property has no influence on any of its kids - i.e. # no "inherit" was recorded. if len(al) == 1 and ('inherit' not in al) and (pallowchange == 'any' or pallowchange == lastalign): # All alignments are the same == lastalign. # Indicate to caller that it should change parent's align attribute al['CHANGE'] = lastalign # Delete any explicit attribute because we will change the parent's. for t in pe.findAll(align=lastalign, recursive=False): del t['align'] return al # Ideas for this routine: # - if all your stuff is 'center', and more than one (and not inherit), then insert a 'center', place everything inside, and then delete all the explicit align=center from these tags # - replace 'middle' by 'center'? (align=middle is used for pictures, I've seen sometimes.) # Filter out attributes from a tag; change some others # # tagname is really a duplicate argument that could be derived from t # but stupidly, there's no nice argument for that? def mangleattributes(t, tagname): #t.attrs is list of tuples # so if you loop through it, you get tuples back # still you can USE it as a dict type. So you can assign and delete stuff by key # however you may not delete stuff by key while iterating of the list of attrs! That makes the iterator break off... # create list of keys first attrs = [] for attr in t.attrs: attrs.append(attr[0]) for can in attrs: cav = t.get(can) an = can.lower() av = cav.lower() if an == 'align': # Replace this outdated attribute by a 'class="align-..."' attribute # Assumes you have those classes defined in CSS somewhere! # (We can also go for a 'style: align=...' attribute, but I'd like to have less explicit style attributes in the HTML source if I can, so make a 'layer') sv = t.get('class') if sv: # assume this class is not yet present t['class'] = sv + ' align-' + av else: t['class'] = 'align-' + av av = '' elif an == 'margin-top': # on ploog, this is present in almost every paragraph. Should be made into standard css definition. if tagname == 'p': av = '' elif an == 'class': classes = cav.split() for av in classes: if av.lower() == 'msonormal': classes.remove(av) av = ' '.join(classes) elif an == 'lang': # always remove 'lang' attributes av = '' elif an == 'style': styledefs = av.split(';') av = '' for s in styledefs: if s.strip() != '': (sn, sv) = s.split(':', 1) sn = sn.strip() sv = sv.strip() if sn == 'line-height': if sv == '15.1pt' or sv == '15.1 pt' or sv == '100%' or sv == 'normal': sv = '' elif sn == 'color': if sv == 'black' or sv == '#000' or sv == '#000000': sv = '' elif sn == 'text-autospace': if sv == 'none': sv = '' elif sn == 'font-family': if sv == 'arial' and c_common_font.find('Arial') == 0: sv = '' elif sn == 'font-size': #on ploog, I see '12pt' and '3' and I see no difference # Possibly, this should only be stripped on ploog. Use trick for that if (sv == '12pt' or sv == '3') and c_common_font.find('Arial') == 0: sv = '' elif sn.startswith('margin'): if sv.isnumeric() and float(sv) < 0.02: sv = '' elif sn.startswith('mso-'): # weird office specific styles? Never check, just delete and hope they didn't do anything sv = '' if sv: if av != '': av += '; ' # gather possibly-chsnged styles av += sn + ': ' + sv # check if tags have changed # also change uppercase attribute names to lower if an != can or av != cav.lower(): if an != can or not av: del t[can] if av: t[an] = av ##### Start the action html = open(fname).read() html = html.replace('\r\n','\n') ### ### Functions -I mean functionality- 3/3: ### Helper functionality that operates on the HTML (mangles it) BEFORE it ### gets parsed by BeautifulSoup. ### NOTES: ### - For now I didn't convert this to a function because it would only imply ### passing a huge 'html' string as the argument & return value ### - but now, there are a few lines of 'global' code which are executed already ### (the ones filling the html string) ### ##### # # Clean up screwy HTML before parsing - #1: # # Strip superfluous font tag, because FrontPage does stuff # like <font> <center> </font> </center>, which makes HTMLTidy wronlgy # 'correct' stuff that would be fine if those font tags weren't there. # Also, accommodate for recursive font tags... because _in between_ # these idiotic tags there may be legit ones. tagToStrip = '<font face="' + c_common_font + '">' tagLenEnd = len('</font>') pos = 0 found = [] while True: # Find a font start/end tag pair, without any other font tags in between # Do this by searching for an end tag, and then storing all the start tags # leading up to it. pe = html.find('</font>', pos) if pe == -1: break #print 'end: ' + str(pe) # Find zero or more start tags and store them all ps = html.find('<font', pos) while (ps < pe and ps != -1): #print 'start: ' + str(ps) found.append(ps) pos = ps + 1 ps = html.find('<font', pos) if len(found) == 0: exit('font end tag without start tag found at pos ' + str(pe)) # The position will likely be wrong since there's already been replacements... pos = pe + 1 # Get last non-processed start tag (this way recursive font tags also work) ps = found.pop() # Delete corresponding start/end tags from the string, IF it's equal to tagToStrip # Otherwise skip (and go on finding/processing next start/end tag) if html[ps : ps+len(tagToStrip)] == tagToStrip: html = html[:ps] + html[ps+len(tagToStrip):pe] + html[pe+tagLenEnd:] pos = pos - len(tagToStrip) - tagLenEnd # print str(ps) + ' ' + str(pe) #else: # print 'skipped: ' + str(ps) + ' ' + str(pe) ##### # # Clean up screwy HTML before parsing - #2: # # solve <b><p > .... </b> ... </p> by putting <b> inside <p> # (if not, BeatifulSoup will put a </p> before the </b> which will mess up formatting) rx1 = re.compile('\<b\>(\s*\<p.*?\>)(.*?)\<\/b>', re.S) for r in rx1.finditer(html): if'/p>') == -1: html = html[:r.start()] + + '<b>' + html[r.start(2):] # since html stays just as long, the finditer will be OK? ############## ### ### Now do the tidying work, using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html) # Delete all script tags # (I don't know this syntax; just deduced it from the docs :) ) r = soup.findAll('script') [e.extract() for e in r] # delete comments r = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment)) [e.extract() for e in r] #Replace b->strong and i->em, for XHTML compliance # and so that we're sure we are not skipping tags in the code below r = soup.findAll('b') for t in r: e = Tag(soup, 'strong') t.parent.insert(indexInParent(t), e) movecontentsinside(t, e) t.extract() r = soup.findAll('i') for t in r: e = Tag(soup, 'em') t.parent.insert(indexInParent(t), e) movecontentsinside(t, e) t.extract() # Remove stupid MSFT 'o:p' tags. Apparently it is best for the document flow, # if we get rid of some markup whitespace (not  ) inside these tags too... rx1 = re.compile('^\s+') rx2 = re.compile('\s+$') r = soup.findAll('o:p') for t in r: r2 = t.contents # check for whitespace at start if len(r2) and matchstring(r2[0], rx1): s = rx1.sub('', r2[0]) if s == '': r2[0].extract() else: r2[0].replaceWith(s) # check for whitespace at end # (r2 may no be empty, after the extract) if len(r2) and matchstring(r2[-1], rx2): s = rx2.sub('', r2[-1]) if s == '': r2[-1].extract() else: r2[-1].replaceWith(s) if len(r2): movecontentsbefore(t, t) t.extract() # Remove tags that only contain whitespace # (do not remove the contents. Move the contents outside; remove the tags.) removetagcontainingwhitespace('strong') removetagcontainingwhitespace('em') removetagcontainingwhitespace('font') #NO. Don't do this. Keep the 'b's outside the 'a's... Keep this code for reference, maybe later... # # links are rendered in bold, by default. # Some links have a 'b' around it, which makes no visual difference but # is an inconsistency in the document structure. Remove it. #r = soup.findAll('a') #for e in r: # s = e.parent.__repr__() # if s[0:3] == '<b>' and s[-4:] == '</b>': # the 'b' may have more content than just the link. As long as that's all # whitespace, there is still no difference in taking it away. # ok = 1 # for ee in e.parent.contents: # if ee != e and not(matchstring(ee, rx)): # ok = 0 # break # if ok: # ee = e.parent # movecontentsbefore(ee, ee) # ee.extract() # Some 'a' tags have 'b' tags surrounding them, and some have 'b' tags inside them. # Normalize this; r = soup.findAll('a') for t in r: r1 = t.findAll('strong', recursive=False) if r1: r2 = t.findAll(recursive=False) if len(r1) == len(r2) and len(t.findAll(text=lambda x, r=rx: r.match(x)==None, recursive=False)) == 0: # all tags are 'b' and all navigablestrings are whitespace. # Delete the 'b' (can be a chain of multiple, in extreme weird cases) for e in r1: movecontentsbefore(e, e) e.extract() # make 'strong' tag and move e inside it e = Tag(soup, 'strong') t.parent.insert(indexInParent(t), e) e.insert(0, t) # remove whitespace at end of paragraphs r= soup.findAll('p') for t in r: extractwhitespacefromend(t) # remove whitespace just before <br> # Strictly we only need to move 'HTML whitespace' ( ), but # that may be followed by a separate NavigableString holding only '\n' rxb = re.compile('(?:\ \;|\s)+$') r= soup.findAll('br') for t in r: e = t.previousSibling while e != None and matchstring(e, rxb): # already store 'previous previous', so we can safely extract it # (also works around us not knowing whether extract() will actually get rid of a '\n') ee = e.previousSibling s = rxb.sub('', e) if s == '': e.extract() else: e.replaceWith(s) e = ee # when inside a paragraph, replace (exactly) two consecutive br's by a paragraph ending/start r= soup.findAll('br') for t in r: # Thanks to previous, newlines before brs have gone so we can just do nextSibling t2 = t.nextSibling if t2.__repr__() == '<br />': e = t.previousSibling if e.__repr__() != '<br />': e = t2.nextSibling if e.__repr__() != '<br />': pe = t.parent s = pe.__repr__() if s.startswith('<p>') or s.startswith('<p '): # Move contents after ee to a new paragraph # if ee is 'markup whitespace', remove it (because it would be at the # start of a new paragraph, or lingering around at the end if ee==None) e = t2.nextSibling while e != None and matchstring(e, rs): # remove this whitespace which would otherwise be at the start of e.extract() e = t2.nextSibling if e == None: # The two br's were at the end of a paragraph. Weirdness. # Move them outside (just after) the paragraph. pe.parent.insert(indexInParent(pe) + 1, t2) pe.parent.insert(indexInParent(pe) + 1, t) else: # If e (the start of the new paragraph) now _starts_ with markup whitespace, remove that. if matchstring(e, rss): s = rss.sub('', str(e)) e.replaceWith(s) i = indexInParent(pe) + 1 e = NavigableString('\n') pe.parent.insert(i,e) e = Tag(soup, 'p') pe.parent.insert(i + 1, e) movecontentsinside(pe, e, 0, indexInParent(t2) + 1) t2.extract() t.extract() # Delete tables with one TR having one TD - these are useless # (take their contents out of the tables) r = soup.findAll('table') for t in r: r_tr = t.findAll('tr', recursive=False) if len(r_tr) == 0: t.extract() elif len(r_tr) == 1: r_td = r_tr[0].findAll('td',recursive=False) if len(r_td) == 0: t.extract() elif len(r_td) == 1: #movecontentsbefore(r_td[0], t) # content inside a 'td' is left aligned by default, so we can't yank everything # out of there just like that. e = Tag(soup, 'div') e['align'] = 'left' t.parent.insert(indexInParent(t), e) movecontentsinside(r_td[0], e) t.extract() # Our HTML uses tables as a way to make bullet points: # one table with each row having 2 fields, the first of which only # contains a 'bullet point image'. # Replace those tables by <ul><li> structures. rxb = re.compile(c_img_bullet_re) r = soup.findAll('table') for t in r: r_tr = t.findAll('tr', recursive=False) all_bullets = 1 for tr in r_tr: if all_bullets: all_bullets = 0 r_td = tr.findAll('td', recursive=False) if len(r_td) == 2: # Inspect the first 'td': # needs to contain only one 'img' tag. # (I don't know how to determine the tag of an element, so do duplicate findAll()) #r_cont = r_td[0].findAll() #if len(r_cont) == 1 and len(r_td[0].findAll('img')) == 1: r_cont = filter(lambda x: x != '\n', r_td[0].contents) if len(r_cont) == 1: s = r_cont[0].__repr__() if s[0:5] == '<img ' and s[-2:] == '/>': # When is this a bullet point? Look at 'src' tag. That'll do. # Is a relative path, so look only at the end. s = r_cont[0]['src'] if all_bullets = 1 # After looping through everything, we know if this table contains 'only bullet points' if all_bullets: # insert ul just before the table # (If some of the siblings are NavigableStrings, not inside an element... # this actually misplaces stuff and the ul may be inserted _before_ a string # when it should be inserted after. I don't know a solution for this atm.) e = Tag(soup, 'ul') l = indexInParent(t) t.parent.insert(l, e) # insert li's and move all the contents from the second td's into there # (Is it always legal to just 'dump everything' inside a li? Let's hope so.) i = 0 for tr in r_tr: ee = Tag(soup,'li') e.insert(i, ee) r_td = tr.findAll('td', recursive=False) #r_cont = r_td[1].findAll() # In the preceding code we used findAll() because we assumed that there are no # loose NavigableStrings in between tr's or td's. # However with the contents of the second td, we can't take that chance. r_cont = filter(lambda x: x != '\n', r_td[1].contents) if len(r_cont) == 1: s = r_cont[0].__repr__() # Remark: yes, we should allow for other whitespace (e.g. newline) behind the p... # But not right now. We're only doing this nasty frontpage html and it'll do. if (s[0:3] == '<p ' or s[0:3] == '<p>') and s[-4:] == '</p>': # inside the 'td' there's exactly one paragraph. # insert the contents of the paragraph, instead of the paragraph itself. movecontentsinside(r_cont[0], ee) else: # any other case: just insert all contents of the 'td' movecontentsinside(r_td[1], ee) else: movecontentsinside(r_td[1], ee) extractwhitespacefromend(ee) ee = NavigableString('\n') e.insert(i + 1, ee) i = i + 2 t.extract() # Delete/change superfluous 'align' attributes (and <center> tags sometimes) checkalign(soup.body, 'left') # replace 'font color=' with 'span color=' -- it's more XHTML compliant and no hassle # replace 'font' tags with style attributes. First look if there is a single # encompassing div/span/p, then look whether font encompasses a single one, otherwise create a 'span' tag in place. r = soup.findAll('font') for t in r: e = None innerdest = False ee = t.parent s = t.__repr__() if s.startswith('<p>') or s.startswith('<p ') or s.startswith('<span>') or s.startswith('<span ') or s.startswith('<div>') or s.startswith('<div '): r1 = ee.findAll(recursive=False) if len(r1) == 1: # only font r1 = ee.findAll(text=lambda x, r=rx: r.match(x)==None, recursive=False) if len(r1) == 0: # parent has only one child tag (the font) and no non-whitespace navstrings # so we can dump all our style attributes here e = ee innerdest = True if e is None: r1 = ee.findAll(text=lambda x, r=rx: r.match(x)==None, recursive=False) if len(r1) == 0: r1 = ee.findAll(recursive=False) if len(r1) == 1: # only one child tag and no non-ws tag s = r1[0].__repr__() if s.startswith('<p>') or s.startswith('<p ' )or s.startswith('<span>') or s.startswith('<span ') or s.startswith('<div>') or s.startswith('<div '): e = r1[0] if e is None: # cannot use a direct parent/child. Make a new span e = Tag(soup, 'span') t.parent.insert(indexInParent(t), e) # get the styles which we're going to add to -- as a dict estyle = getstyle(e) #t.attrs is list of tuples # so if you loop through it, you get tuples back # still you can USE it as a dict type. So you can assign and delete stuff by key # however you may not delete stuff by key while iterating of the list of attrs! That makes the iterator break off... # create list of keys first attrs = [] for attr in t.attrs: attrs.append(attr[0]) # iterate over attributes (note: you get them as a list of tuples) for can in attrs: an = can.lower() av = t.get(can) sn = '' if an == 'color': sn = 'color' elif an == 'face': sn = 'font-family' elif an == 'size': sn = 'font-size' if sn: # ignore the property if you want to assign to a span/div/p inside the font tag, and that already has the same property if not (innerdest and sn in s): estyle[sn] = av del t[an] # put the style into e s = '' for sn in estyle: if s != '': s += '; ' s += sn + ': ' + estyle[sn] e['style'] = s # Since the font tag has only above 3 possible attributes, it should be empty now # but still check... Do not delete the font tag if it has 'unknown' properties if len(t.attrs) == 0: movecontentsinside(t, e) t.extract() # Look through tags, change some attributes if necessary, # AND delete div/span tags without attributes. (There may be those, left by checkalign()) # (This should be after the font-elimination code since that may have put font sizes & colors in a tag, which we will delete here) # # (h2 / h4 tags with cleanable attributes found in for v in ('span', 'div', 'p', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'): for t in soup.findAll(v): # pass v as second argument. I know that's duplicate but t has no easy property to derive v from? mangleattributes(t, v) if len(t.attrs) == 0 and (v == 'span' or v == 'div'): movecontentsbefore(t, t) t.extract() ##### ##### ## Code below here is really custom. It removes certain contents from the top/ ## bottom of the HTML. You may have no use for it; please remove. ## Only keep the last 'print' statement. # The 'real contents' are now at the same level as the 'row of menu buttons' on top and # bottom, which we don't want. Hence it is not so easy to make an XSLT transform for # picking the 'real' body content. # # Do: Take the first & last tag out - IF these are paragraphs contain navigation buttons # (ignore the possibility of NavigableStrings before first/after last tags) rx1 = re.compile('^\<p(?:\s|\>)') # button links. Usually there's one to the index page but not always # the 'nieuw' is for the p-loog index page which doesn't rx2 = re.compile('^\<a href=\"(?:[^\"]*\/)?(?:index|nieuw).htm\"') rx3 = re.compile('^\<img .*src=\"_derived\/[^\>]+\/\>$') r = soup.body.contents if str(r[0]) == '\n': # we want the first newline to remain there, # so the body tag will be on a line by itself i = 1 else: i = 0 v = 3 while v >= 0: # find whitespace _before_ the real content # this will likely be 'markup whitespace' (newlines) that are unnecessary now # Removing 'HTML whitespace' (like breaks/nbsp) has its effect on the actual page -but delete it anyway. I think we want to unify 'space at the start' anyway. if matchstring(r[i], rx): r[i].extract() ### This actually changes r elif matchstring(r[i], rx1): if len(r[i].contents) == 0: # extract empty paragraph at start -- that's just as "whitespace" as the above r[i].extract() elif v: if v == 3 or v == 1: # look for the buttons (only once) - sometimes these are above, sometimes below the title image e = r[i].findNext() if matchstring(e, rx2): r[i].extract() v -= 1 # if, right after the paragraph with buttons, there's again a paragraph containing links to categories... delete that too. # OR NOT? ... leave that idea for now... continue if v == 3 or v == 2: # look for a header title image (which is superfluous because the title's also in the page) rr = r[i].findAll() if len(rr) == 1 and matchstring(rr[0], rx3): r[i].extract() v -= 2 continue v = -1 # other nonempty paragraph else: v = -1 # other nonempty paragraph while v==0 else: v = -1 # other tag/NavigableString # Last # NB: this is partly effectively extractwhitespacefromend() - but intermixed with empty <p> tags too v = 2 if str(r[-1]) == '\n': # we want the last newline to remain there, # so the body tag will be on a line by itself i = -2 else: i = -1 while v: if matchstring(r[i], rx): r[i].extract() #i = i - 1 elif matchstring(r[i], rx1): if len(r[i].contents) == 0: r[i].extract() #i = i - 1 elif v == 2: e = r[i].findNext() if matchstring(e, rx2): r[i].extract() #soup.body.findAll(recursive=False)[-1].extract() #i = i - 1 v = 1 else: v = 0 # other nonempty paragraph; quit else: v = 0 # other nonempty paragraph while v==1 else: v = 0 # other tag/NavigableString ###TODO: remove unnecessary html entities like &ldquo, or stuff? # no, FG might object to "different" quotes? print soup
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frontpagetidy.py_.txt | 30.91 KB |
Beautifulsoup-3.1.0.extract.patch.txt | 1.01 KB |
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