About this site
This is the place where I (Roderik Muit) can dump all opininons, diary entries, technical things & documentation, photos and everything else I feel like throwing online. Also, sometimes i use this site to try out some things related to Drupal, the system powering this website.
(I started this habit in times when "putting online all kinds of stuff which the world couldn't care less about" was still considered strange behaviour. Nowadays, it seems you're old fashioned if you don't. How times change )
Heavily outdated, overrun with spam, has not seen an update since spring of 2010, and does not contain a reference to my completely changed working life since then. I promise I'm not hiding anything, I just don't get to updating this site I updated my work site in August 2013 and maybe I'll get to at least posting some new stuff here again, a bit later...
Some details on the workings of this website:
Recent blog posts
- 6-14 may: new well paying job! Well, almost...
- feb-apr '10: work grows a bit; my working tempo a bit less...
- Jan-10: Two months of 'work', on... one and a half web site...
- En nou aan het werk, Ro!!!
- Casually inspecting/editing PHP files? Install XDebug with your Vim!
- Finally I can tweet in style... (using my own domain)
- Okt '09: het leven kabbelt door...
- Struggle with technology continued: Bluetooth & iPhone
- The constant battle with technology
- VCS comparison: Git / Mercurial / Bazaar
Recent comments
9 years 50 weeks ago
9 years 50 weeks ago
17 years 8 weeks ago
17 years 8 weeks ago
17 years 9 weeks ago